Oh, gosh, it sure does feel good to chill today. I'm not going to think about work or anything. Wonder if I can pull that off? Heh.
BF is still in bed, but he's going to go to his sister's for a huge family meal he couldn't get out of, my daughter is over to her father's where she's got to cook for him and her brother BEFORE going to work...might I say she's not happy about that.
And, me?
Well, I really have no family to speak of except for my kids, so I'll be sitting home and, hopefully, decorating the tree. I'm going to see if I can't talk BF into helping me get into the attic before he leaves so I can get the decorations down before he leaves so I can at least get that out of the way.
I love Thanksgiving usually, but this one is kind of weird. Before today, I had it all planned. I knew everyone was going to be busy elsewhere and the first thing I thought of when I learned that was...I don't have to cook! Visions of kicking back, watching holiday movies, trimming the tree, and having the house to myself sounded delicious!
And...then...it's now Thanksgiving and, well, I'm thinking maybe the idea of doing those things sounded really good, but I don't think it's cutting it.
It's kind of quiet really.
And I'm starting to look back at what's happened lately - an ex-boyfriend died of cancer a few days ago and a young man of 31 who my daughter knew was drinking, ran his car off the road and killed himself just a day or two after that. I'm sure the families of both these guys aren't exactly having a Happy Thanksgiving either.
And it's kind of making me sad.
The ex-boyfriend was Mike Huether of Pungoteague. I had known Mike throughout high school, but never really got to know him. It wasn't until years later when I saw him again and I'm not really sure where it was or what happened, but we decided to go out on a date.
We had fun times, but it didn't work out. Two years down the road, we broke up and I never saw him again.
His death came as a surprise because I didn't even know he had cancer. He was only 52. Talk about a wake-up call.
Then, a couple of days ago, the son of the guy my daughter worked for had stopped off at this restaurant that his father owned and he was very drunk, so I hear. They tried sobering him up with pepsi, but they let him go out the door. It was only about 5 in the afternoon.
He was on the road going to his house when he went in a ditch, the truck overturned and he was tossed out into the field. He died on the way to the hospital. The guy was only 31.
Horrible, simply horrible.
So, it's kind of a sad Thanksgiving this year and being alone isn't helping.
I guess I'll go do some cleaning. Maybe I'll take a nice, hot shower and pull out a Christmas movie. Hope everyone is having a Happy Thanksgiving...and...can you save the drumstick for me?