Friday, September 2, 2005

The 850-KOA AM Radio Interview & A New Website!

I was too tired yesterday to post, but I have two announcements! In light of the Katrina disaster and my radio interview at the ungodly hour of 5 a.m., I was too exhausted but I'd love to tell you how my interview went and also that I have a new website up! Okay, take it easy, I'll tell you all about it.

Well, the interview went great. Only flubbed up a little towards the end when he asked me how you can tell if a person is your soul mate and was it just a feeling? I know, and you know, it's more to it than that and in fact I have a ten-tip checklist that I give out freely when you sign up for my newsletter in what to recognize in a soul mate and I guess the lack of sleep made my brain switch over from expert to dummy and I had to have him repeat the question and just flubbed it. That's the only part I had trouble with. Thank goodness the interview wasn't archived. I'll have to make sure I don't do that with the one coming up on the 24th which will be.

I had one caller. I felt so sorry for her. The story she told would just break your heart. She had a twin sister that died about a year ago and she told us that she had this strange connection with her and wanted to know if I could tell her why in relation to soul mates and also why it was that her sister was destined to die before her. She had been through counseling and you could tell in her voice that she was reaching out.

I am not a trained grief counselor, so the best I could do was listen and give her support. I told her that after listening to her, I was almost sure she was not only her twin sister, but her twin soul, too. The story she told was what people tell me when they are describing the twin soul relationship. I also told her that her sister's mission, whatever it was she was born on this earth to do, was complete and she was returning "home." I told her that her own mission wasn't and that was why she was the chosen one to stay. I hope I helped.

But what got me was when she said she was going out to her bookstore (think it was Borders) and buy my book. I had to get back on the radio after the break to explain you can only find my book online. I emailed my publisher and she said you could get it at Borders, but I have yet to find it in their online system. Another story for another time.

All in love, I chalked it up to a pretty good interview. I'm getting hits from people all over the country to my website, so it has to be a positive thing. Whether it's a profitable thing, that's yet to be determined.

My other good news is that I have a new soul mate advice website. I'm still perfecting it, but if you'd like a peek, go to I haven't bought a domain name for it yet, but that link will take you there.

I have a guestbook set up there, so if you're in the neighborhood, let me know, okay?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, sweetie! Oh, btw, I'm going to answer your email tonight. Been so bogged down by work and my tummy hasn't felt real good either. The answer to your question is it's two separate things. I think. LOL..I'll have to read the email again, but hang in there...I'm a'comin'!


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