Sunday, January 22, 2006

Let's Hear it for TGIM Day!!!

I never claimed to be normal, but I think I'm in the minority when I say I look forward to Mondays. They have TGIF for Fridays, why can't they have TGIM for Mondays?

Doubt it would work.

For the vast majority, most have to either go to work or school and Monday seems to be one of the worse workdays of the week.

Have you ever heard anyone say, "Thank God it's Monday?"

Doubt it.

But I live for Mondays.

Mondays and Tuesdays actually.

Where the rest of the world usually has the week-end off, I have Monday and Tuesday off.

I'm going to get up and welcome Helena Bachmann-Milligan, author of "Teeth in a Pickle Jar," into my group, TWL Author Talks. After that, I'm going to work on a book cover...actually two...for my "clients," then I'm going to clean house.

And I mean clean house. I'm not going to bore you with the gory details, but I'm going to turn this house upside down.

In between cleaning, I'm going to finish my free e-book, "101 Things You Never Knew About Soul Mates," send my latest article, "What is a Karmic Soul Mate?" to fifty million online magazines that I syndicate to, work on my e-book promotion book and get that pretty well almost finished, update my website, add covers to The Writersville Gang's webpage, gather some questions to ask Helena Bachmann-Milligan in case the other members can't think of any, work on a new bookmark design, and have the house finished before I pick up my son and bring him over to eat crabcakes with us for dinner.

So, while the rest of the world is slaving away in corporate America or wherever, I'm going to be home...working.

Wait a minute. Something isn't right here. I thought this was my day off????


  1. Have a nice rest, Dorothy. You're the first person I ever met who loved Mondays and Tuesdays. :-)


  2. Sorry, I just REALLY dislike Mondays :)

  3. I only happen to like THIS Monday because I'm taking the day off. Howeverm getting the kids ready for school is more work than my job!

  4. You are soooo busy, girlfriend! I like Mondays, too, because dh works at home that day and we get to spend more time together. Tuesday is now called "Monday/Tuesday" and it is our least favorite day of the week. The cats agree. :)


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