Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas '06

Boomer Chick is exhausted. I wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas before I go to bed.

Christmas was weird for me this year, and I'm trying to zero in on why, but it hasn't hit yet. BF said that it could be that I've not gotten much sleep the past few days. That on top of having a cold, and having to work and other things, I guess the Christmas spirit just didn't visit my house this year.

I'm trying to think back on what in the heck happened. Last year was great, but what was it about this year that was less than spectacular?

Well, I didn't have a car. Car has been sitting in the yard for a couple months now. Needs a starter, I think. So, getting out and about is next to impossible. I at first thought it wasn't so bad being as I don't get out and about except for working anyway. But, Christmas is a time to get out and what few times I did get it, it was rush, rush, rush.

I never took my son shopping. Anyone who reads this blog knows how much I love my son, and every year, we go on an annual shopping trip. My daughter goes along, we eat at Texas Road House, and have fun. I didn't get that this year.


Money was a slight problem, too, since I haven't recooped from going to the mountains in September. Lesson things that involve money months apart.

But, I still don't feel like I'm zeroing in on this.

Maybe I'll figure it out. Maybe it's just I'm tired.

My son ended up feeling better, and came over tonight to open presents. He looked tired. I guess I'd be tired, too, if I'd been throwing up all night. I think he liked the digital camera I got him. It was something he'd never owned before. I've never even seen him buy a disposable camera before, so this was a rather new thing to him, and I think he liked it.

I told my daughter he needed things normal people need in order to feel normal, so I think that was a good idea. Might give him a new hobby, who knows? When you're sitting in a trailer day in and day out, it has to be pretty boring. He says he's fine, but I don't think he realizes what he's doing to himself. He might have Marfans, but he's not dead.

My daughter felt like she didn't give me enough, and I wanted to shake her silly. She got me a black P-coat and a matching black Aigner purse to go with it. Other stuff, too, but I was happy with just that.

My son gave me a pair of slippers. I wanted to cry because I believe that is the first time he's ever given me a present for Christmas. They're really nice, too.

Well, looks like it's finally over and I can try to get back to my normal, over-worked state again. It surely beats the after-Christmas blues I'm having right now.

I've got so much to do, but it keeps me sane, believe it or not.

Hope you had a happy Christmas, and don't forget to give the kids an extra hug tonight. Family is the most important thing in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Dorothy--Hope you're feeling better now that Christmas is on the way out. Honestly, sometimes I've gotta wonder why we do this to ourselves. It can be such a melancholy season, particularly when everything isn't just right where we want it to be. I hope your son is feeling better; even though my son is also grown up, I feel just an ache for him whenever things aren't okay with him. Have a Happy New Year. I love your blog, and have been thinking about you!


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